First Holy Communion

-Michael Sullivan

-Photography Karen Molina

On Saturday, May 11, 2024, 31 children from the Church of Saint Luke received their First Holy Communion. This special day for the children was only possible due to the dedication of their teachers, Jessica Cohowicz, Susie Bostick, Lauren Pickett and Communion Coordinator Patty Murphy.

Jessica Cohowicz and Susie Bostick

The Mass was presided over by Father Michael Quinnan, Deacon Luis Rivera and Deacon Dan Byrne. Deacon Dan Byrne traveled to our Church to be at his granddaughter’s First Holy Communion, like so many other grandparents and extended family and friends. The Church was filled with people who came far and wide to witness the Holy Sacrament be conferred on the children of our Parish. The presence of their families, and the beautiful white dresses of the girls and dapper suits of the boys, solidified the importance of this day in the minds of the children. We thank everyone who came to our Parish for the children.

Deacon Luis Rivera, Father Quinnan, Deacon Dan Byrne with Joaquin Urena

To begin the Mass, the children led the procession into the Church and sang “Jesus You Are Bread for Us“, with the assistance of the cantor, Diane Taitt, and the musical accompaniment of Geraldine Patire.

Father Quinnan brought the First Holy Communion children back up to the altar for his Homily. Father also brought a bundle of sticks to show the children the strength of community. He explained that singularly we are like a weak branch, and can be easily broken, but as a collective, we are strong enough to withstand immense pressure. The importance of that message of togetherness resonated with everyone, the children and their parents and guardians. The Church must be united to withstand the pressure of this fallen world, and we must rely on the Church and one another for the benefit of the whole body. The guidance of the Catholic Church and Pastors, like Father Quinnan, are crucial for the good of all ages, but especially for the youth, and we pray that this Sacrament will strengthen the Faith of not only the children but everyone who was there to witness their First Holy Communion.

Pope Benedict XVI said of the Eucharist in his Apostolic Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis “the Holy Eucharist is the gift that Jesus Christ makes of Himself, thus revealing to us God's infinite love for every man and woman. This wondrous sacrament makes manifest that "greater" love which led Him to "lay down His life for His friends" (Jn 15:13). Jesus did indeed love them "to the end" (Jn 13:1). In those words the Evangelist introduces Christ's act of immense humility: before dying for us on the Cross, He tied a towel around himself and washed the feet of his disciples. In the same way, Jesus continues, in the sacrament of the Eucharist, to love us "to the end," even to offering us His body and His blood. What amazement must the Apostles have felt in witnessing what the Lord did and said during that Supper! What wonder must the eucharistic mystery also awaken in our own hearts!”

We pray that the Eucharistic mystery will awaken the wonder of God in the hearts of the children and also in the hearts of our whole Parish. As Catholics, we are truly blessed to be able to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in communion with His Church and we thank God that these children are able to share in this Sacrament with us.

The children who received their First Holy Communion is as follows:

Madison Baez

Kataleah Baladi

Siena Bauer

Cody Bush

Camille Byrne

Jimmy Cerezo

Adriana Chinchilla

Savannah Cipolla

Victoria Cohowicz

Gavin Dela Cruz

Gavrien Dela Cruz

Gian Dela Cruz   

Joey Fardella

Isabella Ferraro

Maximillion Hamilton

Keegan Henning

Max Ilch

Emma Kilmer

Jase McCracken

Lyvia McCracken

Nyla Melchoir

Man Ngo

Elias Pabon

Urijah Pabon

Jonah Quintero

Stefla Stephen

Giuliana Tostaine     

Joaquin Urena

Lilianna Welge

Brendan Willock

Kevin Woskolej



Polish First Communion


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