Increased Offertory Campaign
To be good missionaries to others, we must first ensure we have a strong foundation ourselves. As the saying goes, "Put your oxygen mask on first before helping others." We need to sustain our parish today so we can continue serving future generations.
We are deeply grateful for the growing participation in our ministries—their impact over the past several years has been incredible. But for our mission to thrive, our giving must grow alongside our service.
Your consistent support ensures that our church remains a place of worship, community, and outreach for all. Let’s build a future where faith continues to flourish. Join us in giving regularly to keep our mission strong.
You may feel that your church is asking a lot—and yes, as Christ does. But when we come together in faith and generosity, the burden becomes lighter, even as we each share in the sacrifice.
Mission 2025
Longing for intimacy with Christ, we strive to be missionary disciples