Commitment of Time & Prayer
Eucharistic Adoration - Adoring the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist through prayer, contemplation, and praise Monday 10-6:30pm.
Rosary - The Rosary is a powerful and peaceful meditation on the life of Jesus following 7:30 Mass (Tuesday-Friday).
Novena – Novena are prayers said over a period of nine days to obtain special graces for specific intentions. Currently the Novena group is done via email for private devotion.
Pray Parish Ministries & Events - Prayers to support a ministry such as Street Ministry, to support Programs such as Life in the Spirit and Alpha, to support areas of focus such as vocations, and specific events.
Time and Talent Ministry Commitment
Adult Reflection Groups – Volunteers of this ministry plan and facilitate retreats, seminars, prayer experiences and workshops for parishioners from young adults to senior citizens. This includes our Alpha programs and Connect Groups.
Altar Servers - Altar Servers — churchofsaintluke.org
Audio/visual - Run church’s sound, media, video, and slideshow presentations, during the Sunday Café, Ministry Events and Communication Monitors that will be installed at various locations on the campus. Training Provided.
Bible Study – Bible Study — churchofsaintluke.org
Bulletin Stuffers – Our social group helps to prepare mailings, website and bulletin, materials such as flyers, newsletters, invitations, and other communications.
Cantors - Serve the parish community by leading song to enhance the Mass and liturgical celebrations.
Catholic Mental Health Ministry - Provides vital spiritual accompaniment for people experiencing mental health challenges and mental illness, as well as for those who care for them.
Choir - Serve the parish community by providing music and song to enhance the Mass and liturgical celebrations.
Church Cleaning Crew – Teams of volunteers vacuum and dust the church weekly as well as any additional cleaning tasks that come up from time to time.
Columbiettes - Columbiettes — churchofsaintluke.org
Commentator - Commentator — churchofsaintluke.org
Community Meals - Community Meals — churchofsaintluke.org
Connect Groups – Small group setting where we share a meal, pray, study, and have fellowship. Study will not focus on information but transformation. Connect groups meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday 12-2pm.
Counting - Counting Team — churchofsaintluke.org
Cursillo - (pronounced cur-see-yo) is Spanish for little course, specifically in the teachings of Jesus. The goal of the Cursillo Movement is to make Christ the prime influence in society. Cursillo is often described as a retreat. While there is quiet time and reflection, there is more discussion among peers than in most retreats. Perhaps, it is best described as an experience of living in Christian community.
Eucharist to the Homebound/Sick – Our sick and homebound parishioners are important to us. This Ministry is to offer Eucharist when desired and requested by homebound parishioners.
Eucharistic Ministers - Eucharistic Ministers — churchofsaintluke.org
Events Services Team – Volunteers in this ministry will make or order/pickup food, set-up, serve, and clean-up when needed for our parish Sunday Café and lunch/dinner events.
Faithful Neighbors - We seek to advance Ecumenical and inter-faith relations. While respecting our doctrinal differences, we look for areas of common ground for solidarity among believers to promote religious values in today’s secular world.
Friendship Luncheon - We host a monthly luncheon for senior adults of our church community on selected Wednesdays at noon. You’ll enjoy uplifting fellowship, delicious lunch and from time to time an inspiring program. The cost is $10.
Funeral Mass Service – Volunteers of this ministry assist when needed by serving during funerals.
Fundraising - Volunteers that create and manage new fundraising activities. This may include capital campaign or fundraising events. Fundraising is important to our sustainability.
Greeters – A welcoming smile and a warm welcome are all you need to join the Greeters Ministry. By greeting those who enter the Church beginning one half hour before mass, you represent our parish in the best possible way. We would love to have you join our Greeters Ministry.
Grief Support – Walk with and support those experiencing grief. Held Wednesday’s 2-4pm in the Barrett Center.
Groundskeeping - Seasonal duties of weeding, trimming, planting, mulching and caring for our gardens.
Knights of Columbus – Knights of Columbus — churchofsaintluke.org
Lectors - Lectors — churchofsaintluke.org
Mass Slide Show (Flippers) - Running our PowerPoint for the TV monitors at mass.
Mental Health Drop In - Provides an environment for activities and a meal on Mondays for those with mental health challenges.
Parish Nurses - Nursing Ministry — churchofsaintluke.org
Prison Visits - The Catholic jail ministry at the Monroe County Correctional Facility consists of lay people from the various parishes in our Deanery who visit the residents on a weekly basis in order to instruct and strengthen them in the Catholic Faith. A Communion Service is offered weekly, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered monthly and Mass is celebrated periodically.
St. Teresa of Calcutta
Mission: To humbly and prayerfully discern the needs of individuals in our parish family who are experiencing a financial hardship and to pass on to them assistance from our parish family.
How can we deepen our faith by serving God and our fellow parishioners:
Pray for our mission through the intercession of our patron, St. Teresa of Calcutta.
Donate money or checks in the poor boxes at the doors of the church. Make checks payable to The Church of Saint Luke. At the bottom of the check write, “St. Teresa of Calcutta Ministry”.
Join us as an advocate and/or occasional service volunteer. Call 570-421-9097, option 7.
Request assistance, 570-421-9097, option 7. Leave a message. Your request is confidential. A member of our ministry will call you back within 24 hours.
Be the hands and feet of Jesus and create a circle of love.
Sunday Café – Sunday Café is held in the Jacques Center from 9:00 am until 10:30 am Mass. Enjoy light refreshments, coffee, tea, and fellowship with one another. Serve food and connect with guests.
TV Broadcast - Daily, weekly, and event broadcasting and facebook live streaming of mass and other events.
Ushers – To insure the orderly and safe flow of the Mass by assisting with seating, collections, Communion, and security.
Vocation - Our Vocation Ministry is consecrated to Jesus through our Blessed Mother, the model of all vocations. Our goal is to create a culture of vocations in our parish, including the vocation of Sacramental marriage. Click here for addition information about Vocations. Vocation — churchofsaintluke.org
Volunteering at area homeless shelter - We are partnering with other churches to address volunteer needs for the homeless shelter as well as collecting goods for the homeless.
Women’s Group - An opportunity for women of all ages to experience prayer, fellowship, and social events together.
Faith Formation
Adult Spiritual Development – Volunteers of this ministry plan and facilitate retreats, seminars, prayer experiences and workshops for parishioners from young adults to senior citizens. This includes our Alpha programs and Connect Groups.
Catechist Ministry – Catechists teach our parish youth about our Catholic beliefs, traditions, and how to apply those to daily life. Classes are held on Sunday mornings from September to May with two week breaks at Christmas and Easter time. Commitment to this ministry is about an hour and a half a week.
OCIA – Volunteers of our Order of Catholic Initiation for Adults program meet weekly from September through May to provide Catholic faith instruction to adults entering their journey to become fully initiated into the Catholic Church.
Religious Education Office/Event Support – Can’t do a weekly commitment? How about once a month? Our religious education program is in need of volunteers who would commit to helping out for a few hours a month supporting our religious education monthly events or office support.