Vocations Team
“Vocation” means “call.” As Catholics, we believe God calls individuals to fulfill certain roles in the Church, both for their own holiness, and the good of the entire Body of Christ.
Holiness is Our Common Goal
Holiness is everyone’s primary vocation. Holiness means trying to be like Jesus. It means being a “whole” person: striving for virtue, avoiding sin, and living a life of love. After the decision to follow Christ and seriously pursue holiness, your vocation is the most important decision in life.
Holy Marriage
Most people are called to marriage—to wholeheartedly love their spouses and to joyfully welcome children. The purpose of marriage is for a man and woman to help each other get to heaven, and to teach their children to do the same. Like any vocation, marriage must be discerned, not assumed.
Consecrated Life
Both men and women can join religious orders such as the Franciscans, Dominicans, Benedictines, etc. The life and work of religious orders varies greatly—some are primarily devoted to prayer; others work actively in schools, hospitals, orphanages, etc. Common to all religious orders are the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
Priests bring Jesus to people and people to Jesus through preaching and the sacraments. Priests are very active as they counsel people, teach classes, prepare homilies, administer parishes, and much more. Many surveys show that priests are among the happiest people in the world! Deacons, too, share in the sacrament of Holy Orders.
Dedicated Single Life
Some people serve God as single people, without marrying or making special vows. While not a “vocation” in a strict theological sense, single people “contribute greatly to the good of the human family” (CCC 2231). “Some live their situation in the spirit of the Beatitudes, serving God and neighbor in exemplary fashion” (CCC 1658). There are many single people who serve the Church with incredible generosity.
Have you ever felt called to follow a plan greater than your own?
When you hear God’s word, are you filled with a desire to share it?
Do you, like Ezra, want to lay down your life to minister to God’s people?
Are you drawn to the responsibility of the priesthood?
If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, God may be calling you to serve his people as a priest. Where do you go from here?
Over the last decade, the effectiveness of Discernment Groups has been proven time and again. Men thrive when they have camaraderie and support , especially as they discuss the priesthood.
If you are interested in a Discernment Group or just want a place to discuss their faith with young men, contact our Youth Minister, Michael Sullivan (570)-421-9097 ext 108 or at youthminister@churchofsaintluke.org
Trust that your God has a plan for you, that he sustains you through it all, and that he is inviting you to be courageous and act.
Deacon Phil Zimich runs the Vocations Team. Contact him at deacon@churchofsaintluke.org
Please Pray for our Seminarians
Rev. Mr. William Asinari
Jeremy Barket
Thomas Dzwonczyk
Andres McCarroll
Jacob Mutchler
Harrison Rapp
Cody Yarnell
Esteban Marengo
Daniel O’Brian
Jan Carlo Perez
Pope Francis Prayer for Vocations
God our Father, You made each of us to use our gifts in the Body of Christ. We ask that you inspire young people whom you call to priesthood and consecrated life to courageously follow your will. Send workers into your great harvest so that the Gospel is preached, and your peopled are strengthened by the sacraments.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen