Thank for your consideration of a gift to Saint Luke.
Gifts like yours make a big difference in the work our church is doing in our Parish and our community. Giving is an expression of our thankfulness and praise to God. It comes from a heart of worship that recognizes everything we have and give already belongs to the Lord. So, when we give, we simply offer him a small portion of the abundance he has already given to us.
Here at Saint Luke we have many ways to give:
Time, Talent and Treasure
Way of Life: Ministry Profile
Annual Commitment Day
Question #1: What’s Annual Commitment Day?
Answer #1: The Church of St. Luke is not just the building or the pastor. Rather, our church is comprised of the People of God who worship here. The Church of St. Luke stays alive only when its parishioners work together to move us forward as a Catholic community. On the Annual Commitment Day, each parishioner will be asked to pledge part of their time and share some of their talents for the next year along with contributions from their treasure.
Missionary discipleship is not a passive enterprise. A vital Catholic community coordinates individual actions which result in parish achievements because parishioners are working together. Please choose a ministry where you can make a difference during this coming year. As Jesus said about the mustard seed, even the smallest contribution can move mountains when cared for by the faith of God.
Question #2: Does Commitment Day involve anything else?
Answer #2: Yes, the Church of St. Luke will let its parishioners know what is expected of them so that all can experience a living and dynamic faith. For you to grow and step out in confidence and assurance, you need to know what the expectations are. These are not set solely by how much money you donate or how many hours of service you provide. Our hope is that at the end of this year’s journey, you will find your heart burning inside because you are walking closer to Jesus. This is the greatest measure of your commitment to our parish.
Question #3: Is Saint Luke’s making any commitment to me?
Answer #3: Yes, the annual commitment cards will include commitments that the Church of St. Luke promises to make to its parishioners. You will know what to expect from our church in terms of assistance with spiritual growth, opportunities to learn and support in difficult times. Mutual accountability provides a sense of assurance so that all parishioners will know where they stand, what they can expect from each other and what they can expect from their parish.
Question #4: How will the first Annual Commitment Day work?
Answer #4: The weekend of March 11 and 12, a copy of the commitment card will be published in the bulletin, The following weekend, Annual Commitment Day, each parishioner will be given a card to fill out and sign. You will then be asked to bring this card to the altar and place it in one of the baskets on the altar steps. If you are away that weekend, there will be commitment cards at the church entrances until Easter Sunday that you can fill out and drop in the collection basket.
Question #5: What happens next?
Answer #5: The Church of St. Luke will gather all the information. If you have signed up for a new ministry, the ministry leader will contact you for the next steps. St. Luke’s will work to further develop its various faith enrichment opportunities and, from time to time, we will check in on each other to see how we are doing with our commitments, assess our progress and see how we can further help. Our goal is for the Church of St. Luke to be a place where people feel they truly belong, are cared for and are provided with opportunities for spiritual growth.
If you have any questions or need assistance please call the office and leave a message at 570-421-9097 or send an email to office@churchofsaintluke.org
Thank you for your kindness.
May God Bless you in your giving.
Father Quinnan