Our Story
Our mission
Longing for Intimacy with Christ, we strive to be missionary disciples.
The Church of Saint Luke:
Bringing the living word in sacrament to our community by inviting all into unity with Jesus Christ.
Area Catholics, belonging to the Diocese of Philadelphia, travel to Easton, PA or Oxford, NJ to attend Mass.
The Church of Saint Luke of Stroudsburg was created as the third mission of St. Matthew's.
Fr. Thomas Stahurski is transferred and Fr. Joseph Verespy is sent to fill his vacancy.
New parish center is dedicated as the Fr. Francis Barrett Center on October 18, 1985.
Fr. Francis Barrett retires and Fr. Thomas McLaughlin appointed pastor.
On July 1, 2000 the Dedication of the Edward and Mary Driebe Center for Worship and Ministry
The Church of Saint Luke celebrates its 50th Anniversary
The first Church of Saint Matthew was built on the corner of Brown and South Courtland Streets in East Stroudsburg, a wooden frame building with a seating capacity of around 200. Priest celebrates Mass here once a month.
Bishop McCormick divides parishes from The Church of Saint Matthew and The Church of Saint Luke becomes a parish and is charged with the people of Stroudsburg and Delaware Water Gap. Fr. Francis Barrett is appointed the first pastor of the Church of Saint Luke which now has 300 registered families in the parish.
Fr. Joseph Verespy is transferred and Fr. Thomas McLaughlin is sent to fill his vacancy.
The parish grows to 1500 families.
Fr. Carmen Perry arrives at The Church of Saint Luke.
A 45-foot high Millennium Cross is erected at the front of the church marking the start of the third millenium.
In July of 2021 Father Michael Quinnan becomes the new Pastor of the Church of Saint Luke
The Church of Saint Mark of Delaware Water Gap was created as the first mission of The Church of Saint Matthew.
The Church of Saint Luke forms their first Parish Council.
CAMPAIGN FOR HOPE raises funds to build a new parish center (presently known as The Father Francis Barrett Center).
The Church of Saint Luke Soup Kitchen opens it's doors and serves those in need of a weekly meal.
Parish grows to 1800 registered families, 6,000 individual members.
Fr. Thomas McLaughlin retires and Fr. Carmen Perry is appointed pastor.
The Church of Saint Luke under goes remodeling and the stairs leading to on Main Street are upgraded.
The Church of Saint John of Bushkill was created as the second mission of The Church of Saint Matthew.
Fr. Thomas Stahurski is appointed to The Church of Saint Luke as an associate since the parish has grown to 800 families.
The Church of Saint Luke reaches 1100 registered families and 350 students are enrolled in the religious education program.
The Church of Saint Luke is renovated to increase capacity from 425 to 600 and the hall (presently the Jacques Center) is renovated to increase dinner capacity from 175 to 275 and meeting attendance seating capacity from 225 to 325.
Dedication of the Icon of Saint Luke.
In November of 2015 Deacon Phil Zimich arrives to serve our Parish