Parish Pastoral Council Nominees
Considerations for nominating yourself or someone else for the Parish Pastoral Council
What are the requirements for council nominees?
To be on the council a person must be a baptized practicing Catholic participating in Sunday Mass and the other sacraments. They must be over the age of 18 and be a registered member of The Church of Saint Luke. Finally, they must be willing to participate in an orientation session and a discernment process that involves an election of the nominees that will serve on the council.
What are the commitments of a council member?
Council members commit to a three year term. There will be an initial formation process where council members will participate in an 11 week program called Alpha which requires 2 hours a week on Saturday. Specific dates and times will be communicated to those elected but this program is anticipated to run in the October - December timeframe.
What is this Alpha program about?
Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about Jesus. Each session starts with a meal to build community, then there is a lesson on various elements of Christainity, and finally small group discussions in an honest, open, and friendly environment. More information can be found at
What work does the Parish Pastoral Council do?
The Parish Pastoral Council:
Develops and focuses on a mission that embraces the total scope of parish life
Engages in continuous pastoral planning that takes into consideration the needs of the parish, cluster, community, diocese and the world.
Formulates policy after prayerful study and dialogue with the pastor concerning parish pastoral matters.
Embodies the following characteristics as it exercises Servant Leadership: prayerfulness, faithfulness, broad representation, good pastoral practice, discernment, prophetic courage and imagination, empowerment and collaboration.
Here are the qualities for a councilor:
Nominee has an interest in helping the whole parish and not just a special group.
Nominee isn’t an advocate of any specific group but advocates for the whole parish.
Nominee can work with a group, listening and speaking as appropriate.
Nominee understands consensus and can accept the wisdom of the Council’s deliberations.
Nominee understands he or she is a disciple of Jesus Christ and is called to share his/her faith.
Nominee is willing to work with the group to develop a Mission Statement and a Pastoral Plan.