Nationwide, the Columbiettes is an organization of more than 13,000 Catholic women, 17 years of age or older, who are affiliated with the Knights of Columbus. At present, there are more than 200 auxiliaries up and down the East Coast, Canada and California.
As a charitable, not-for-profit organization we support many different charities and are involved in community activities as well as working collectively with our Brother Knights to promote faith and unity. We also have many social events as well as our religious and charitable works where you will have the opportunity to meet other women who share your interest.
We are an organization of women from all backgrounds united by our Catholic faith, our love of country, and our commitment to helping others. Our patronesses are our Blessed Mother, St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Joan of Arc.
With Strength through Unity and Unity through Faith we can accomplish much.
If you are interested in joining our order, please send an email to: ColumbiettesStroudsburg@gmail.com.