The Church of Saint Luke
Mass Schedule
Weekday Mass
Monday Evening Mass 6:30 pm
Tuesday through Friday 7:30 am
Weekend Mass
Saturday 4 pm (Confession at 3 pm)
Sunday 8 am, 10:30 am, 2 pm (Polish)
Other Prayer Services
Eucharistic Adoration: Monday 10 am through 6:30 pm
Rosary: Following 7:30 am Mass (Tuesday through Friday)
Check out events happening this week!
Christian initiation is accomplished by three sacraments together: Baptism which is the beginning of new life; Confirmation which is its strengthening; and the Eucharist which nourishes the disciple with Christ’s Body and Blood for his transformation in Christ. (1275 Catechism of the Catholic Church)
Faith Formation
Faith Formation is centered on the spiritual growth process that we experience individually to become closer to God. Our faith formation is not only about religious education classes and bible studies, it is about learning how to live together in Christ, how to share the gifts we’ve been given and how to grow spiritually through prayer and participation in the Mass.
Our mission is to serve the greater Stroudsburg area by bringing Christ, in Word and Sacrament, to a diverse community, while inviting and drawing all into the unity of Christ.
Catholic Ministries Appeal
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