The Apparitions of Mary

-Michael Sullivan

The Catholic Church is unique, even among the other Christians, for our special devotion to the Virgin Mother of God. Since the beginning of the Catholic Church, stretching back to Saint John the Beloved and the Apostles, we have loved Mary for her special role in bringing the Son of Man into the World. Her humility, her sacrifice and her love have been inspirational for Catholic men and women throughout the many centuries since the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

In the Gospel of Luke, we hear how the angel Gabriel was sent from God to the Virgin Mary and greeted her saying “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” In the Gospel of John, we hear Jesus on the Cross say to his Mother “’Woman, behold your son’ then he said to the disciple, ‘Behold your mother’”.  In the Acts of the Apostles, we see Mary with the disciples devoting themselves “with one accord to prayer.” And finally, in Revelations we read of “a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”

Throughout the New Testament Mary is with Jesus; she receives greetings from the angel Gabriel and humbly accepts her destiny of giving birth to the Messiah, replying “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” She is at the foot of the Cross during those painful hours, as she watched her innocent Son crucified for the sake of the world. After the Death of Jesus on the Cross, she remains with the Apostles in constant prayer and faith that His death was not in vain. Mary faced the suffering with Jesus as His Mother, she felt the pain with Him as he was struck by the Roman soldiers, and she watched in sorrow as they nailed His hands and feet. For that pain and suffering she was rewarded, and she was crowned the Queen of Heaven by her glorious Son after the Resurrection.

In America today, Catholics know Mary as the fount of all blessings from Heaven. Jesus is the head of the Mystical Body of the Church and His Virgin Mother is the neck through which the Grace of Christ reaches the rest of His Mystical Body, which is us. We know that Mary is the fount of all blessings, partly based on the readings of the New Testament, but just as importantly because of the many signs from Heaven that the Virgin Mary has performed. In America specifically, Mary appeared to Juan Diego in Mexico which helped spread the Faith to millions of souls in the Americas after the Spanish arrived. Apparitions of Mary have come to many nations and races, and her appearance has always been a blessing to the people. From Mexico to Vietnam, from Poland to Ireland, Our Lady watches over the faithful and guides us to her Son.

On May 5th, 2024, our Church will be crowning Mary as the Queen of Heaven, like Jesus Christ did before us, in recognition of her pivotal role in the life of Jesus and the life of His Church. The Church of Saint Luke will be highlighting some of the many apparitions of Mary throughout the centuries that have strengthened Christ’s Church and has won so many souls to Her eternal body. As a Church, we will honor the Virgin Mary and pray that she helps guide us and brings our Parish Heavenly Grace in our mission to further the Church in Stroudsburg, the Diocese of Scranton, and the whole world.


Our Lady of Czestochowa- Poland

God of all nations, may Our Lady of Czestochowa teach us to respect all of those in the human family. Remove fear from our hearts so that we might treat all people as our brothers and sisters.


Our Lady of Guadalupe-Mexico

God of power and mercy, may the prayers of Our Lady of Guadalupe help us to honor the dignity of each person. Plant your justice in our hearts so that peace may reign throughout the world.


Our Lady of La Vang-Vietnam

God of love and compassion, may the prayers of Our Lady of La Vang comfort us. Help us to speak our against prejudice and cruelty. Give us kind hearts and gentle tongues.


Our Lady of Zarvanytsia-Ukraine

O Mother of God, who gave us your miraculous icon at Zarvanytsia, intercede for us and for those, who run to the shelter of your mercy in their times of need.


Our Lady of Africa-Ivory Coast

God of light, may the prayers of Our Lady of Africa bring peace to our hearts. Fill us with joy and show us how to share your love with all those we meet.


Our Lady of Knock-Ireland

Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland, you gave hope to your people in a time of distress and comforted them in sorrow. You have inspired countless pilgrims to pray with confidence to your Divine Son, remembering His promise, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find.”


Our Lady of Setteporte-Italy

O Blessed Mother of Setteporte, make us strong in the face of temptations.  Intercede for us. Help us to live our lives so that we may be worthy of the promises of your Son.


Our Lady of Fatima-Portugal

Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima, we join in the voice of all generations that call you blessed. We celebrate in you, the great works of God, who never tires of lowering Himself in Mercy over humanity to heal and save it.


Our Lady of All Nations

Lord Jesus Christ, son of the Father, send now your spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations that they may be preserved from disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our advocate.


Polish Confirmation Class of 2024


My Why